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Work Ham Radio Satellites
January 11 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
New !!! Work Ham Radio Satellites – Ed Poccia, KC2LM, will be presenting a Work Ham Radio Satellites workshop on January 11th (10 AM – 1 PM) at the North Domingo Baca Multi-Cultural Center, 7521 Carmel Ave NE in Albuquerque. The workshop is free and open to all licensed Amateur Radio Operators. For more details about the workshop Click Here.
Initially, he will use the ISS for each mode, SSTV, FM Voice & APRS, as it is the easiest to contact, he will also bring in the LEO satellites, too. The SO50 for FM Voice and SONATE-2 for APRS & SSTV allow participants to practice satellite tracking.
Those interested must register by emailing Mike Smith, KI5NBP at KI5NBP.mike.smith@gmail.com.
Ed says, “I promise you, that after the workshop, you will be able to make a contact with a Ham Radio Satellite using a Baofeng HT, a few 1/8 each steel rods and a stick”.